Wednesday, May 30, 2007

5-30 Project Progress

So, we're pretty much ready to start building. Ryan's blog ( is pretty much our project, save for some small changes. We're going to have one fishtank symbolize a developed water infrastructure. A barrier will represent a filter. The barrier will prevent ping pong balls, cholera, from getting into the water supply system. This demonstrates how advanced countries don't have cholera outbreaks, because the water isn't contaminated, and when it is, it is quickly filtered out. Contruction will start soon. As soon as we have something to show, we'll all post some pictures.

Alright, Ryan's latest blogposts are of interest. He's talked about how countries can't help their citizens, because they don't have enough money to even make their citizens aware. But this isn't true. If Edward's blog is to be trusted, (, then Angola has enough money to at least get its citizens aware of cholera. Angola has experience great economical growth, and it's a shame that its citizens are suffering from a preventable disease. Our project focuses on this, and why Angola continues to suffer from cholera.

Stay tuned for more updates on cholera and the project.

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